Remember when I started this blog and I told you I was really good at job hunting? Yeah....well....I wasn't lying! Now, before my head gets too big or I break my arm from patting myself on the back too rigorously, let me take a moment to digress.
Tip Of the Day
Finding a job takes time, effort, luck, organization, skill, and a good first impression.
In a nutshell, my tips do work. Really, they do. Everything I shared with you in this blog I did, and more. Finding a job is the result of many little things and they all count. Every week you need to devote time to your job search. You need to network, update your resume, order business cards, and buy thank you cards. You need to keep a list of the companies you have contacted and follow up with them. If your resume is lacking in one skill set or another, take a class or read a book to find the answer to filling that gap. Take inventory of your closet, and put together interview outfits that make you look and feel fabulous! Shine your shoes, spend time with friends and family who support you, make chili or brownies, exercise outside, and find a creative outlet.
No, this is not my last blog post. I am merely taking this opportunity to present you with a brief summary of all that I've shared with you, thus far. Although my posts will be less frequent due to the new obligation that is my job, I will continue to share ideas on how you can develop your job seeking skills and then find yourself in the enviable position of juggling two job offers.
In future blogs you'll learn about where to find resources for free and low cost items that you'll need for your job search. I'll share with you my super duper top secret “X List”. I look forward to sharing ideas on how to use internet search engines, Facebook, and Linked In to find people that you need to know. And, I still have many, many, more tricks up my sleeve...
In addition to my name, phone number, and email address; the business cards I use while networking or job hunting also list my personal mantra: My future's so bright, I gotta' wear shades! (inspired by that tacky song from the 80's that you may not wish to admit that you know.) Attitude is everything and a good attitude reflects positively in everything you do.
Visualize your future, think of where you'd like to be and how you want to get there....and you will.