Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The UPside of UNemployment - Yes....there IS one!

Unemployment affects more than just our pocketbooks. It touches every aspect of our lives. Some days, all I want to do in lie in bed all day with the covers over my head. And then my son knocks on my door and asks me, “What's for breakfast?” Sigh. When a close friend calls to ask if I want to go out to have a drink, I have to think twice. Not because I don't want to spend time with her or don't need a social outing to shake off the dull drums but I have to ask myself “Can I justify spending $20 or more on something that won't contribute to my real time need for a roof, and food, and gas?” When my sister calls to ask me how I am, do I give her the real answer (“I'm REALLY CRAPPY, but thanks for asking!”) or do I tell her that I'm doing good and enjoying my time off?

Bottom Line:
Your perspective MATTERS!
If you think the unemployment challenge is conquerable, it will be!

So, today I am going to challenge to you look at unemployment from a slightly different perspective. Put on a new set of glasses (rose colored optional) and see the world for all the possibilities that exist.

Think of it this way. You have more TIME on your hands and, quite literally, time is valuable! Mine certainly is. When I'm working full time I barely have a time to get all of the household chores done, let alone cook a nice meal made from fresh ingredients. The lawn often grows to 6” tall before it becomes a high enough priority to delegate (sometimes loudly) to the in house teenage labor. I have a list things I would “like” to do, some of them have been pending now for almost 4 years. My priorities are based upon the limited amount of time I have to spare away from my commute and job. When I'm unemployed, however, I have a lot more time on my hands. Woo hoo! 

I LOVE having more time, the pace of my life is slower and so much more manageable.

My dog, Rusty, loves her new place on my priority list. She gets a nice long walk, almost every day. I combine walking the dog, getting much needed fresh air exercise, relaxing with music, and grocery shopping for fresh and inexpensive menu ingredients at the nearby vegetable stand.

My kids also really enjoy having mom around more. Granted, this is partly because they don't have to cook for themselves as often as they do when I'm working, but I'd like to think they also enjoy my company. They don't have to chase me down to ask my permission to go hang out with their friends or ask my perspective on their latest dilemma.

As I mentioned, I really enjoy cooking something other than what-ever-is-fast-and-easy.  Convenience costs money.  I actually look forward to cooking meals with fresh ingredients and taking advantage of what is on sale to inspire me.

Here is one of my kid's favorite !Mom's Home! meals:

Tip of The Day:
Super Cheap Chili
5 cans of different beans of your choice (black, red, chili, white, etc....)
1 can of canned tomatoes
1 lb hamburger
1 chili seasoning packet
Brown the hamburger
Rinse and add beans, tomatoes, and seasoning
Simmer on low for an hour

Cornbread mix (duh!?)
One egg
Add milk or water as instructed and bake

Total Meal Cost for 4 people (with leftovers!)
Less than $10!!!

Enjoy your time off. Spend time with friends and family. Take a walk. Work in the Garden. Write poetry. (or a blog!) Cook. Clean. Sew. Knit. Read. Ride your bike. It's a great day to be you! 

Now.... I have to go clean the garage.

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