Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free!

As you are aware, I’ve been unemployed a lot. (see Blog Introduction above) In my entire career I have rarely spent more than 3 years with any one company. (and since I’m “old”, that adds up to over a dozen different companies listed on my resume in the past 10 years alone.) If you’re a Baby Boomer, you might look at my resume and think I lack loyalty or assume that there’s something wrong with me that caused all of those companies to decorate my inbox with a pink slip. (comments intentionally withheld that may reveal the secret to uncovering my personality flaws) If you’re a Generation X member, you might look at my resume and think how lucky I am to have experienced so many different company cultures and have so much variety to my career path.

It’s been a few months since I’ve posted to my blog.  I’ve been working, albeit as a temporary employee.  Between working, commuting, and life; there’s not a lot of time left to pursue this particular creative endeavor that is; blog writing.  Today, however, a phone interview inspired me to blog once again.

Tip of the Day
Embrace the past…AND the truth!

As the recruiter and I discussed my resume, and my “variety is the spice of life” career path, she actually complimented me on the fact that after every job listed there is a reason WHY I life, noted on my resume.  I added those particular details to my resume earlier this year because, after all, they’re going to ask; why not be up front about it?

Granted, my resume reads like a Series of Unfortunate Events (company out of business, laid off, end of assignment, resignation, etc…) but one thing cannot be missed…I’m ALWAYS working!  First, out of necessity, but also because I love to work.  I love being productive. 

So, even if I don’t have on my rose colored glasses, there’s a valid reason I don’t work there anymore and why shouldn’t I embrace it as a chance to move up and contribute to another company’s bottom line?  Not all people fit well in all companies.  It’s not my fault that a company may not like my Type A approach or value my contribution.  It does not lessen my abilities, efforts, or experience. 

I’ve made mistakes, yes.  But dragging them into a job interview or lowering my head in shame over the questionable fax I sent to my boyfriend from work 15 years ago…does nobody any good.  Instead I choose to move forward to my life, and career, with my head held high while actively embracing all the positive feedback I’ve received from supervisors and managers. (Much of it, in writing, thankfully!) 

I embrace my past, my unique qualifications, my outgoing personality, and the truth that I don’t always fit into someone else’s idea of a round hole. 

Yes.  I’m a square peg, and proud of it.

Square Pegs Unite...and Thrive!
(all those who live in Portland,Oregon; say “AMEN!”)

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