Thursday, April 5, 2012

To Temp, Or Not To Temp? That is the Question.....

I've been working since I can remember. Very early in life I developed a passion for animals and that meant spending several hours every day taking care of them. Before and after school I could be found feeding, grooming, and cleaning up after my horses, cats, dogs, goats, geese, chickens, ducks, and pigeons. My rubber boots, often covered in mud, were a permanent addition to the back deck decor.

As soon as I was old enough to weed, mow lawns, spread beauty bark, trim rose bushes and plant shrubs, I worked for my father's nursery business. Inside the house there was lots to do as well. I learned very early to cook, clean, dust, and vacuum. When I was 16 years old I was sent to boarding school where, for two years, I worked the first half of every day for four hours at the local saw mill to help pay for my tuition.

As an adult, when I am unemployed I spend most of my time getting caught up on household projects.  Said projects range from painting and garden work to, guessed it...taking care of my animals. Even with my very long TO DO list I have to admit, it is VERY easy to get used to the life of an unemployed professional.  I often wonder how I manage to get everything done for my kids and household when I AM working, and gone 50 hours per week.  But, somehow I do.

So, what's my point here?  I know, I'm rambling.....

Today's job search involves a lot of internet research, registering for job search websites and online employer and agency applications.  Invariably the question always arises. 

Are you looking for:
   a) part time work
   b) temporary work
   c) full time work
   d) permanent work
Tip of the Day
Your answer should always be e) All of the above

If you're not a huge fan of change, the idea of working somewhere as a temporary employee for only a few months is certainly less than comfortable.  Pull up your big girl panties and do it anyways.  It will expose you to a whole new network of professionals and may even lead to a full time job. 

I can hear you now. 

"But, Michelle, if I am working part time, won't that take time away from my job search?"

Are you really spending 8 hours a day dutifully looking for work?  Even I'm not THAT productive!  Working a part time job will force you to be more efficient in your job search the risk of sounding like a broken record.... "It will expose you to a new network of professionals and may even lead to a full time job." 

Circling back to my cute stories above...In a nutshell, I love to work.  My parents instilled a strong work ethic in me that I am, frankly, thankful for.  I feel productive, energized, and proud of my ability to support myself and my family. (and my animals) Part time jobs fulfill my need for social interaction, temporary jobs lengthen the time I can collect unemployment.   Nothing bad about that.

If you don't love to work, find something you can get paid for, that you DO love.  It's easier said than done but make it your goal to find enthusiasm for ANY work in the meantime.  Find something admirable about what you do, or who you do it for.  Think of the benefits of any kind of work and be proud of your own ambition.

When I grow up I want to be a barista.  I want to have enough money generated by my "other projects" (the subject for another blog) so I can afford to make coffee for strangers.  I want to wake up early, smell the coffee, and know that all of my hard work has paid off...

I will be finally doing what I love!

Nothing bad about that!

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